Dr. Dalicia Raymond Encourages New Students at 2024 Convocation
As the 2024 – 2025 school year kicked off, SMC English Professor Dr. Dalicia Raymond delivered an inspiring message to new students joining the College this year at the annual Convocation.
“Each of you is capable of success, and all of us here want to help you achieve that success,” she told the students, hoping to ease their nerves and let them know that they are not alone in having a little anxiety about starting college.
Dr. Raymond continued by giving them some advice on how to approach their college careers. She used a staple of learning to illustrate her three pieces of advice – the alphabet:
ABC = Always Be Curious,
DEF = Develop Every Failure, and
GHI = Growth Happens Interdependently.
She encouraged them to develop and grow their curiosity, always taking the opportunity to learn more; always learn from their mistakes and failures so they are not wasted experiences; and rely on the team around them – faculty, staff, and friends – to success in learning and growing.
“True learning is a humbling experience. The more you learn, the more you realize how much more there is to learn,” she said.
President Scott Cochran echoed Dr. Raymond’s sentiments and provided a piece of advice of his own.
“The number one thing about life is you gotta show up,” he said. “If you show up every day – not just here, but in life – you’ll find that it is very difficult to beat someone who shows up every day.”
Convocation is a ceremony that marks the beginning of the academic year. The ceremony welcomes new students and sets the tone for the new year. At SMC, convocation is a way to inspire students as they begin their college journey.