Student Learning Outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes

  • SMC graduates use current technology resources to collect and analyze data and to access, evaluate, and present information in solving problems and making decisions.

  • SMC graduates make judgments and solve problems logically and sequentially. They solve problems using knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation techniques (Reference: Bloom’s Taxonomy), appropriate to the situation. Graduates effectively summarize written or oral course materials to demonstrate understanding.

  • SMC graduates communicate orally in a well-organized, concise, and articulate manner. Well-organized, concise and articulate oral communication is characterized by being audience appropriate, to the point, grammatically correct, planned and prepared (where appropriate).

  • SMC graduates apply basic computational and mathematical skills to analyze and solve both practical and abstract problems in various situations. Graduates correctly interpret data, determine reasonableness of results, and apply results to draw conclusions. SMC graduates follow procedures that enable them to reach correct and consistent results.

  • SMC graduates evaluate research materials and use appropriate reporting methods to synthesize information as the foundation for creating original works. Legitimate research materials may include print, electronic, digital and visual media. Appropriate reporting methods include respecting proper documentation conventions, following a prescribed model, using paraphrases and quotations correctly, and avoiding plagiarism.

  • SMC graduates communicate clearly, coherently and effectively in their writing. Clear, coherent and effective writing is characterized by being audience appropriate, easily understood, well organized, and grammatically correct.