Website Request Thank you for using this form to request a change to departmental web pages or to request web development. Using this form helps the Marketing Office organize and prioritize requests.Please provide your contact information below:* First Last Department or Office:*Phone:*Email:* How may we assist you?Please Check the Appropriate Box:* Web Page Update New Web Page(s) Needed Something Else Please enter the url (web address) of the page that needs updating.Please describe the update below. If you need to provide a file or image, use the upload box below.Who is the audience for your web page(s)? Please check all that apply:* Prospective high school students College transfer students Parents of prospective students Donors Alumni Current students General external audience Please note: information for college employees should be provided via mySMC. Please contact IT for assistance.Please describe the goal(s) of your web page.*Answer the following for each goalf: 1. What primary action do you want visitors to your webpage to take? 2. How will you know they've taken that action? Do you need text and images only on your webpage, or do you need visitors to be able to "do" something: for example, download a document, fill out a form, pay for something, upload documents or images, etc.? Please provide a detailed description.Please explain your request below:Do you have a file (image or text) to attach?* Yes No UPLOAD YOUR IMAGE OR WORD/TEXT FILE HERE:Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, pdf, docx, txt, Max. file size: 50 MB.How urgent is your request?* Emergency! As soon as possible. Not at all urgent. Δ