Faculty Fund for Collaborative Projects

Faculty Fund for Collaborative Projects

Spartanburg Methodist College has created the Faculty Fund for Collaborative Projects to promote collaboration among faculty and/or students. All applications will be reviewed by the Faculty Steering Committee in concert with Institutional Advancement on an ongoing basis. Applicants must complete the application and submit a proposed budget using the provided budget template. The current total award for the year is $10,000. The Faculty Steering Committee will do its best to use the funds democratically to insure that as many faculty as possible have access to the resources.

  • Applicant Info

  • Applicants are invited to make the case for collaboration funding (limit the abstract to no more than three paragraphs). Please include who will be involved in the project and when the funds will be used.
    *** Applicants must also include 3-to-5 learning outcomes in their abstract. ***

  • Budget Template

  • Group Activity & Events

  • Travel Costs

  • Meal Expenses

  • Other Expenses

  • Faculty Expenses

    Stipend, personal accommodations, etc.