SMC Votes: Know Your Polling Place!

Student Center

To get everyone geared up for SMC Votes Day on October 23rd, SMCX and SIREN will be passing out information about our local counties polling places and helping YOU find where & when to vote. They will have a booth in front of the Student Center during the lunch & dinner hours to answer all […]

SMC Votes 10/23/2020

Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium 385 N Church St, Spartanburg, SC

SMCX is teaming up with local Spartanburg initiative SIREN to get our community to the polls for early voting! October 23 we will be doing a social media campaign and encouraging everyone to go to their local polling places to vote early! Submit your "I voted sticker" with #SMCVotes photo to the SMC Experience accounts. […]

Pioneer Fall Fest Weekend: Food Trucks & Scavenger Hunt

Student Center Plaza

Enjoy a fun Friday afternoon eating for FREE from local food trucks and trying your luck at our Fall Fest Scavenger Hunt. Win awesome giveaways and have fun with your pioneers!

Spikeball Saturday

Get out of your room and enjoy a fun Saturday afternoon playing Spikeball with our Campus Rec team on the Judd Hall lawn!

Pioneer Fall Fest Weekend: Saturday Night Block Party

Ellis Circle

COSTUME CONTEST! GAMES! Music! Food & MORE! This is a FREE EVENT FOR ALL SMC STUDENTS! Also, Don't forget to DROP OFF YOUR PUMPKIN BY 5 PM to be entered in the pumpkin Contest!

Fall Blood Drive!

Gibbs Auditorium Lobby

KSA and the Blood Connection will be hosting our Fall Blood Drive on Oct. 27 from 11AM-4PM NEW LOCATION: Gibbs Auditorium Lobby in Ellis Hall All donors will receive a $20 gift card as well as COVID antibody testing! You can make an appointment at:

Group Fitness Classes: Yoga

FREE Yoga classes every Tuesday & Thursday at 5PM. Meet at the Fitness Center, and we have mats available!

QuaranTeam Trivia Night

Gibbs Auditorium & Virtual

Join SGA & Pioneer Events for a fun trivia night! This is a LIVE AND VIRTUAL event, so you can participate no matter where you are! There will be prizes over $100 to give away throughout the event, as well as prizes for best Team Name! Teams can be 1-3 people. Be on the lookout […]