SGA Appreciation Week: Student Athletes

Beach Volleyball Court

Student Athletes, SGA appreciates YOU! You have rocked out your seasons through so many challenges and want to have a fun night playing beach volleyball and enjoying some ZAHHH (pizza)! Congrats!!

True Pioneer Night

Ellis Fountain

Are YOU a True Pioneer? Graduating students, meet at the Ellis fountain at 11 PM under the FULL MOON before commencement. The first 100 students receive a limited edition True Pioneer t-shirt!

SGA Senate Meeting

Gibbs Auditorium

SGA Senate Meetings are BiWeekly and are hosted in Gibbs Auditorium at 6PM. These meetings are open to the SMC student body and campus. SGA encourages you to attend, be informed, ask questions, and share concerns. All are welcome!

Workshop Wednesday: Countdown to Finals (virtual)

Microsoft Teams

Would you like a plan to prepare for your final exams this semester so you can avoid being stressed? If so, then attend this virtual and timely workshop. You will learn some quick strategies to be successful in your finals. To register for this virtual workshop, please visit

Pioneers & Pancakes: Late Night Breakfast

Dining Hall

Enjoy a final late night with your Pioneers and enjoy a great breakfast by SMC Dining! There will be music, giveaways, and lots of pancakes! Faculty & Staff, if you are interested in volunteering to serve at the event, please use this quick volunteer form: