Ballard Center
Break The Cycle: Capstone Event
Ballard CenterGirls between the ages of 18 and 24 have the highest instances of dating violence and 29% of women have experience dating violence in their life. Break The Cycle is an event that will be held in the Ballard Center where students will be given an informational presentation and activities to complete in order to […]
First-Gen Club Game Night
Ballard CenterNeed a way to unwind during midterms? The First-Gen Club will be hosting a game night. Games included will be bingo and cards. We will also have traditional board games as well! Come to game night, grab some pizza and drinks (on us!), and compete in a friendly match of various games with peers. Questions? […]
Sexual Assault Awareness, Prevention, and Resources
Ballard CenterApril is sexual assault awareness month. Join us April 17, 2025 in the Ballard Center. Four different topics will be offered: 9:25am sexual assault 101, 10:50am healthy relationships, 12:15pm by-stander intervention, 1:40pm alcohol/ drug and resources.