Workshop Wednesday: Countdown to Finals (virtual)

Microsoft Teams

Would you like a plan to prepare for your final exams this semester so you can avoid being stressed? If so, then attend this virtual and timely workshop. You will learn some quick strategies to be successful in your finals. To register for this virtual workshop, please visit

Women in the Workplace Panel

Microsoft Teams

Interested in hearing the educational and professional experiences of successful women? In celebration of Women's History Month, join our Women in the Workplace Virtual panel on Microsoft Teams! There, you will hear the experiences and perspectives from women who come from various backgrounds and work in different industries such as Higher Education, marketing, communications, customer […]

Work for ScanSource (BA students)

Microsoft Teams

ScanSource is a leading global provider of technology products and solutions. Their goal is to be the center of the solution delivery channel, connecting businesses and providing solutions for their complex needs. Join Abby Blackwell, ScanSource HR Specialist, to learn about the recruiting process and how to apply for positions with the company! Once you […]