Bachelor of ArtsCriminal Justice Concentration

Bachelor of ArtsCriminal Justice Concentration

SMC’s customizable Bachelor of Arts Degree is an interdisciplinary degree program that allows you to customize your education by choosing two concentrations. Choosing a criminal justice concentration will prepare you for a range of careers in law, corrections, public safety, and more. 

Amaya Duckett

Degrees and professional skills that put you to work

Be ready. Your SMC degree will prepare you to step right into the work world with a solid academic foundation. You’ll also benefit from the Camak Core professional development program as part of your degree. The Camak Core courses give you the opportunity for practical experiences and workplace skills development while you’re still in college. After graduation, you’ll succeed faster, feel more confident and adjust much more quickly to working life. 

It’s Your Future ­– Pick Your Degree Pathway

Your plan for the future starts with choosing the degree program that works for you. Matching your interests with your degree and career path gives you a better chance of success and enjoying what you do.  With a criminal justice concentration, you’ll learn various aspects of our societal institutions, from jails to courts to probation offices.


Click below for a degree plan and check out the classes you’ll take.

Degree Plan

All the Knowledge (and Skills) You’ll Need

A criminal justice concentration provides you with a solid education. You’ll delve into criminal justice policy, investigation and forensics, victimology, and criminal law and procedure. Your SMC degree will have you fully prepared to enter the criminal justice field.

What You’ll Do with a Criminal Justice Concentration

Bachelor of Arts Degree graduates will have a wide range of job prospects available to them. With a criminal justice concentration, those options include: 

  • Police officer 
  • Investigator 
  • Forensic scientist 
  • Social worker 
  • Law school student 
  • Paralegal
  • Intelligence Analyst
  • Corrections Officer
  • Youth Correctional Counselor
  • Private Investigator
  • Criminal Profiler
  • Victim Advocate
  • Probation/Parole Officer
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Affordable for a Reason

Thanks to our generous scholarship and financial aid opportunities, it’s likely you’ll pay way less than you think for an SMC education. You may even be able to attend tuition-free! Check it out for yourself!

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What’s Camak Core

It's our for-credit career readiness courses that give you workplace skills now, so you can stand out to employers later.

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1750 Powell Mill Road
Spartanburg, SC 29301