Men’s Soccer Tryout
Nash Soccer FieldThe Spartanburg Methodist College men’s soccer team will be hosting an open tryout for interested players. Interested individuals must have a 3.0 grade-point average, be a current student at Spartanburg Methodist College, and sign up through the men’s soccer office which is located floor level inside Bridges Arena. The tryout will be held at the […]
Pioneer Poets: Open Thoughts Workshop
SMCX Conference Room 1000 Powell Mill Rd, SPARTANBURGJoin the poetry club and learn more about journaling and how you can turn your thoughts into a poem. No writing experience required, all are welcome!
Welcome Back Open Mic Night
Library ClassroomDo you have talents you want to show off? Can you perform music? Tell a few good jokes? Or maybe perform a dramatic scene? Then come to SMC Library's Open Mic Night to celebrate the beginning of another great semester!
Ping Pong Tournament
Burgess Student Center Lounge - 2nd FloorDo you think you're the best ping pong player at SMC? Prove it on January 23 in the Student Center from 7-9pm in a singles ping pong tournament! The winner will receive an intramural champ t-shirt as well!