Event Series Men’s Soccer Tryout

Men’s Soccer Tryout

Nash Soccer Field

The Spartanburg Methodist College men’s soccer team will be hosting an open tryout for interested players. Interested individuals must have a 3.0 grade-point average, be a current student at Spartanburg Methodist College, and sign up through the men’s soccer office which is located floor level inside Bridges Arena. The tryout will be held at the […]

Pioneer Poets: Open Thoughts Workshop

SMCX Conference Room 1000 Powell Mill Rd, SPARTANBURG

Join the poetry club and learn more about journaling and how you can turn your thoughts into a poem. No writing experience required, all are welcome!

Welcome Back Open Mic Night

Library Classroom

Do you have talents you want to show off? Can you perform music? Tell a few good jokes? Or maybe perform a dramatic scene? Then come to SMC Library's Open Mic Night to celebrate the beginning of another great semester!

Ping Pong Tournament

Burgess Student Center Lounge - 2nd Floor

Do you think you're the best ping pong player at SMC? Prove it on January 23 in the Student Center from 7-9pm in a singles ping pong tournament! The winner will receive an intramural champ t-shirt as well!