Friendsgiving Feast

Fireplace Room & Dining Hall

SMC Students, Faculty, and Staff! You are invited to a Thanksgiving dinner with SMC Dining and SMCX Involvement. Enjoy local music, great food, and share what you are thankful for. It's the little things that get us through these hard times, and we want to spread some thankfulness before everyone leaves for the break!

Cornhole Tournament

Judd Hall Lawn

Campus Recreation is hosting our first Cornhole Tournament Saturday, November 14th 2-4PM on the Judd Lawn! WINNING TEAM PRIZE is TWO $20 SMC Campus Store Gift Cards. Sign up to play using THIS LINK by November 13th at 5PM. There will be drinks and snacks for all who come to the event! Spend your Saturday […]

Donut Stop Believing!

The Cellar

You're almost to Thanksgiving Break & end of fall semester! Take a study break, and stop by the Cellar for FREE Krispy Kreme donuts and hot chocolate courtesy of SMC Dining. The SMCX Involvement Team and SGA Officers will also be there to pass out awesome Pioneer Prizepacks, be sure to stop by for a […]