Grocery Bingo

Ballard Center

The semester is coming to a close but we want to give you some free snacks and groceries to help get through the rest of the semester! Come to Ballard on Wednesday, April 12th, from 7-9pm to have a chance at hitting bingo to choose the groceries you want to leave with!!! Questions? Email

Sexual Assault Awareness, Prevention, and Resources

Ballard Center

9:25 to 10:40- Sexual Assault 101 10:50 to 12:05- How to report/ Title IX/ Judicial services (panel) 12:15 to 1:30- Resources/ Alcohol and Drug Awareness 1:40 to 2:55- Healthy Relationships/ Dating violence/ Stalking 3:05 to 4:20- Bystander intervention


Gibbs Auditorium

SMC Student IMPROV SHOW will be a one-night only unforgettable experience! 7 Students enrolled in SMC 310 -- THEATRICAL IMPROVISATION will show off the Improv skills they've been honing all semester on THURSDAY, APRIL 13 at 7pm in Gibbs Auditorium. Reserve your seat using Eventbrite -- Seating is Limited. Both the Audience and the performers […]

APEX Capstone Showcase

Gibbs Auditorium

*REGISTER ON EVENTBRITE* Employers nationally are looking to hire recent college graduates who can take initiative, problem solve, and communicate well. At Spartanburg Methodist College, seniors learn and apply those skills as they create and implement a "Casptone" project. SMC invites you to join us at this year's APEX Showcase to meet these soon-to-be graduates […]