Chemistry students spend summer studying solar cells

Chemistry students spend summer studying solar cells Two Spartanburg Methodist College (SMC) chemistry students are spending their summer break conducting research that could one day impact the energy market –…

Virtual Reality Tour

See SMC in 360°! Welcome to SMC’s Virtual Reality Tour, which you can enjoy with or without a VR headset. It’s a fully immersive and cinematic experience that’s second only…

SMC announces new chaplain

SMC Announces New Chaplain Spartanburg Methodist College president Scott Cochran announces that Rev. Timothy Drum, II, will become the college’s Chaplain and Director of Church Relations. Drum will officially join…

Thank You

Thank you for registering to attend the Alumni & Friends Oyster Roast! We’re excited to have you join us! You will receive an email confirmation shortly at the address you…

Announcement Details


Contact Name

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Contact Email

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Contact Phone

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Thank You

Thank you for submitting an announcement to SMC! We will review your announcement and, if approved, it will be published in the next SMC Today email or on the future…

Submit Announcement

Instructions: 1. Use this form to notify the SMC campus community about an upcoming event or other information. Note: submitting an Announcement does not automatically add your event to the…

Private: Not Anymore

Program Overview At Spartanburg Methodist College we pride ourselves on providing an enlightening college experience, which demands a safe and healthy student environment. To that end, we require that all…

Grievance/Student Complaints

State Authorization Grievance/Student Complaints Spartanburg Methodist College provides a complaint system for all students receiving Federal or State Aid. To register complaints that can be tracked and responded to, please…

Master Plan

The master plan for Spartanburg Methodist College establishes the physical framework for sustaining a leadership role among the southeast’s private colleges & universities. DOWNLOAD PLAN HIGHLIGHTS VIEW THE ANIMATED FLY-AROUND…

Faculty Fund for Collaborative Projects

Spartanburg Methodist College has created the Faculty Fund for Collaborative Projects to promote collaboration among faculty and/or students. All applications will be reviewed by the Faculty Steering Committee in concert…

SMC Today

Do not create a new announcement or event. Email the change to Jeremy Handel at SUBMIT AN ANNOUNCEMENT SUBMIT AN EVENT About SMC Today Submit an Announcement or Event…