Dangers of Impaired Driving Course
SMC Softball FieldThe South Carolina State Transport Police are providing a driving course that will illustrate the dangers that alcohol and other drugs can have on one's ability to drive a vehicle.
SMCXCareer: Information Table for TNT Fireworks (PDEV Event)
Student Center PorchAre you looking for a summer job or internship? Please stop by the table, hear from TNT Fireworks, and get the inside scoop on which positions they have available.
SMCXCareer hosts Mock Interviews with Local Employers (PDEV Event)
SMCX Conference Room 1000 Powell Mill Rd, SPARTANBURGAre you interested in practicing your interviewing skills and getting help preparing for future jobs opportunities? Sign up for a 30-minute mock interview with one of our local employers. Limited spaces are available. This is a PDEV event.
SMCXCareer: Women Networking Unleashed (PDEV Event Off-Campus & Graduates Invite Only)
This event is unique for our upcoming female graduates planning to begin their careers with local employers. It is an excellent networking experience and an opportunity to learn more about how this local group of professional women supports other women and the community. Networking events can sometimes be intimidating, but I promise you, this one […]