Hire Experience

Hire graduates with The SMC Experience

Welcome, Employers!
You need graduates with experience, and Spartanburg Methodist College graduates have it. The SMC Experience team is excited to partner with you to fill your talent pipeline with SMC graduates that stand out from the applicant pool. Our office works closely with employers looking to hire students and recent graduates of SMC for internships and full-time positions, and is your gateway to posting positions, connecting with SMC student and alumni talent, and participating in career fairs and on-campus recruitment events.
Why Our Grads?
Transferable Skills
Our graduates have mastered key “soft skills” to excel in your company, thanks to SMC’s Camak Core.
Well-Rounded Knowledge
Our students choose two areas of study, increasing their academic skills beyond a linear field of knowledge.
Real-World Experience
All graduates have completed one or more internship(s), giving them an understanding of workplace demands.
Responsible Leaders
SMC graduates are prepared to use their skills to build careers, lead others and strengthen their societies.
The Camak Core

The Camak Core, named for SMC’s founder, Dr. David English Camak, is a required set of courses for professional development (career skills and experiences for personal and career success). These classes teach students the habits, skills and behaviors that are vital for workplace success.

By the Numbers
of students at SMC are first-generation college students
of students at SMC are people of color
of SMC seniors were employed in their career field within 6 months of graduation*
*Employment rate statistic includes full-time employment in field of study and/or graduate school acceptance.
Ways to Connect
Fall 2024 Employer Opportunities
We are currently seeking employers and professionals for a variety ways to connect with our students through our Camak Core Professional Development program.

Sign up and see more information below!

Questions? Email Us >

1. Mock Interviewer
2. Client Organization for Student Consulting Projects
3. Part-Time / Internship Fair Employer Table
4. Career Panel Speaker
5. Networking Event Participant
6. Host Recruiting Table on Campus
7. Post a Job or Internship

Be A Mock Interviewer
Fall 2024 Mock Interview Week is September 23-27, and we are looking for several professionals to interview our juniors and seniors! Interviewers will have as many as four (4) students in 40 minute time slots in the morning or afternoon. More info will be provided via email after you sign up for a date/time!

Sign Up by Aug. 5 | Interview Week Sept. 23-27

Sign Up for Interview Timeslot >
Want to know more about the process? Click the button below to watch a video featuring previous client organizations.
Hear from Previous Clients!
Receive Consulting Services
Need fresh ideas or want to problem solve a project at your business, nonprofit, or startup? We are seeking "Client Organizations" to partner with our students at NO COST to receive consulting services throughout the fall semester. Client Organizations will receive a final report and presentation of at the end of the project.
*More info in application.

Application Due Aug 2 | Notified Aug. 5 | Project Brief Due Aug. 19

Meeting Dates will be 2-3PM | Sept. 26, Oct. 17, & Nov. 14

Complete Quick Application >
Host a Part-Time & Internship Fair Table
Promote your organization and positions at our Part-Time Job & Internship Fair. *Tables will be provided. Please bring your promotional materials and job applications!

October 30 10:30AM-12:30PM | Set Up 10:15AM | Sign Up by Oct. 18

Sign Up to Reserve Your Table >
Share Your Career Insight at a Q&A Panel
We host a variety of Career Panels throughout the Fall, and we are looking for professionals that will provide insight to aspiring students in your career field!
*All Panels will be held at 11AM.

Business Panel - Sept. 11
Criminal Justice Panel - Oct. 9
Healthcare/Mental Health Panel - Nov. 13

Sign Up for Career Panel >
Network with Our Students
Our students will put their networking skills to the test and are currently seeking internship and career opportunities. Join us for one of our networking hours and enjoy learning about what they have to offer!

Nov. 21 8AM-9AM and/or 2:30PM-3:30PM | Sign Up by Nov. 15

Sign Up for Networking Hour(s) >
Host a Recruiting Table on Campus
Do you have full-time, part-time, or internship opportunities at your business or company? Want to spread the word about graduate programs at your institution? Sign up to host a recruiting table at our Student Center!

Recruiting Tables Happen Throughout Semester Depending on Availability. Email us a couple dates/times that would work well for you!

Email SMCX Career >
Post a Job or Internship
Promote your organization and positions through our online job portal and career management platform (Handshake).
Visit Handshake >
Engage on Campus
Visit a career fair, join a career panel, host a recruiting table, network with our students, be a guest speaker in our professional development classes, and MORE!
Sign Up Here >
CONTACT US >> SMCXCareer@smcsc.edu
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