Grants and Scholarships

Got a 3.0 or greater high school or college GPA and qualify for the S.C. LIFE Scholarship? Your tuition is covered at SMC. APPLY NOW What you should know about…

Private: Calculate LIFE Scholarship GPA

The LIFE GPA must be calculated for all students for the purpose of awarding the LIFE Scholarship. The LIFE GPA Scholarship must include: All grades and credit hours earned at…

Page Coming Soon!

We’re not quite ready with this page yet. We do offer courses in this subject area. Visit the Course Catalog for more info!…

Two Year Degree (Associate)

APPLY NOW\n\n STEPS TO SUCCESS: START WITH AN ASSOCIATE DEGREE. At SMC, your first two years of college will be spent taking general education courses with the goal of earning…

Bachelor of Arts Degree

NEW STUDENTS APPLY NOW\n\n CURRENT STUDENTS NEXT STEPS\n\n SMC’s customizable Bachelor of Arts Degree is an interdisciplinary degree program that lets you choose two concentrations (similar to majors) without adding…

Private: Transfer Assistance

After completing an associate degree, the majority of SMC students transfer to other colleges and universities to complete their bachelor’s degrees. SMC courses are designed to transfer seamlessly to other…

Tutoring Services

Free Tutoring for All SMC Students SMC students, whether on-ground or online, have access to free tutoring. Fellow SMC students (peer tutors) offer tutoring for a variety of subjects. Three…

Liberal Arts

SMC is a career-focused liberal arts college, which means you’ll take classes in a variety of subjects for a more diverse degree. You can explore a wide range of academic…

Bridges Hall

Quick Facts: Coed Hall (single gender suites) Upperclassmen only 3- and 4-bedroom suites You’ll having a single room to yourself. You’ll share a living room and bathroom with 2 or…

Sparrow Hall

Quick Facts: Coed Hall (single gender suites) Upperclassmen only 3- and 4-bedroom suites You’ll having a single room to yourself. You’ll share a living room and bathroom with 2 or…

Kingman Hall

Quick Facts: Coed Hall (single-gender suites) Freshmen only 2-bedroom suites Each room is shared with one student. Adjoining bathroom Keycard access Wi-Fi and cable internet connections Laundry facilities Vending machines…

Parsons Hall

Quick Facts: Coed Hall (single gender suites) 2-bedroom suites Each room is shared with one student. Adjoining bathroom Keycard access Wi-Fi and cable internet connections Laundry facilities Vending machines Study…

Hammond Hall

Quick Facts: Historic building Coed Hall (single-gender floors, women on the first floor) Most rooms are single rooms You’ll share a bathroom Keycard access Wi-Fi and cable internet connections Laundry…

Judd Hall

Quick Facts: Women’s Hall 2-bedroom suites. Each room is shared with one student. Hall bathrooms. Keycard access Wi-Fi and cable internet connections Laundry facilities Commons area Elevator Furnished Lobby Room…

Willard Hall

Quick Facts: Coed Hall (single-gender suites) 2- and 3-person rooms Freshmen only Four rooms share a hall bath. Passcode access Wi-Fi and cable internet connections Laundry facilities Vending machines Study…

Kappa Sigma Alpha

Kappa Sigma Alpha (KSA) is the co-ed service fraternity at Spartanburg Methodist College. KSA students perform hundreds of hours of community service each year. Membership is open to all currently…

Academic Registration

SMC students register under the supervision of an Academic Advisor. It’s important for students to communicate with their Advisor throughout the academic year but essential during registration periods. SEMESTER REGISTRATION…

Immigration Ban Statement

Immigration Ban Statement The following is a statement from Spartanburg Methodist College President Scott Cochran: Since 1911, Spartanburg Methodist College has provided education and the opportunity for a better life…

Website Request

Thank you for using this form to request a change to departmental web pages or to request web development. Using this form helps the Marketing Office organize and prioritize requests….

Publicity Requests

Thank you for using this form to request publicity for your event, news or achievement. Please notify the Marketing Office: – Six weeks before the date of your event. -…

How to Give to SMC

Your gift in support of the college and its mission makes all the difference to current and future students. Thank you for considering a gift to SMC. In most cases,…

Gift Planning Request Form

Thanks for considering SMC while planning your future! There is never any cost or obligation for the information we provide you. All information is kept strictly confidential. I WOULD LIKE…

Get in Touch

Mailing Information Spartanburg Methodist College 1750 Powell Mill Road Spartanburg, South Carolina 29301 Phone & Fax Phone: (864) 587-4000 Emergency After Hours: (864) 587-4003 Fax: (864) 587-4355 Campus Safety/Police Dept.:…


  “Google can bring you back 100,000 answers, a librarian can bring you back the right one.”Neil Gaiman GO TO THE LIBRARY WEBSITE >> Marie Blair Burgess Library The Marie…

Student Learning Outcomes

SMC graduates use current technology resources to collect and analyze data and to access, evaluate, and present information in solving problems and making decisions. SMC graduates make judgments and solve…