You CAN do this.
With SMC plus Re: Degree, achieving your dream of starting or finishing your college degree has never been easier or more affordable. You bring your determination, and we'll help with everything else.

Re: Degree, spearheaded by OneSpartanburg, Inc. and supported by the Spartanburg Academic Movement’s ‘Movement 2030,’ is an effort to help the thousands of individuals across Spartanburg County with some college experience but no degree finish what they started.
Two-Year Associate Degrees:
Arts (General College Studies)
Criminal Justice
Fine Arts
Religious Studies
Career-Ready, Four-Year Bachelor's Degrees
with the Camak Core
Professional Development
Business Administration
Multidisciplinary Studies*
Professional Writing and Digital Communications
Sport Management
*Choose two concentrations:
Business, Criminal Justice, English, History, Psychology, Religion
Two-Year Associate Degrees:
Arts (General College Studies)
Criminal Justice
Religious Studies
Career-Ready, Four-Year Bachelor's Degrees
with the Camak Core
Professional Development
General Studies (Degree Completion Program)
Business Administration
Multidisciplinary Studies*
Sport Management
*Choose two concentrations:
Business, Criminal Justice, Psychology
Major in career and life skills at the same time you earn a degree
The Camak Core is SMC's career/life skills "major" featuring hands-on experiences for all students.
Communication, teamwork, collaboration, understanding information, and problem-solving are skills that need to be learned and practiced. Employers want you to have those skills before you start work, no matter what career path you choose. You'll learn these and other skills by participating in project-based and hands-on learning experiences in your Camak Core classes.
Pro tip: these same career skills that can make you a main character at work can also make you a main character in life.
Get Credit for Work & Life Experiences.
At SMC, we recognize and reward the knowledge and experiences you gain inside and outside the traditional classroom. Your previous college credits PLUS work and life experiences can add up to a faster, more affordable degree.
WATCH: How your previous college courses, plus work and life experiences, can shorten the time and cost of your degree.
When you apply to SMC, your Advisor will help you discover how you may qualify for Transfer Credit and Credit for Prior Learning (CPL).
SMC accepts a maximum of 45/90 credit hours earned elsewhere for the Associate Degree/Bachelor's Degree. Here are some of the ways you could significantly shorten the time it takes to complete your SMC degree:
- Transfer credit for previous college courses. As long as your previous courses were completed at an accredited college, there's a good chance SMC can apply them toward your degree. If you already have an Associate Degree, you may be able to transfer ALL of those credits.
- Credit for Prior Learning (CPL). This is credit toward your degree that comes from other sources, including:
- Workplace experience
- Professional certifications
- Non-credit coursework
- Foreign language competency
- Military service
- Graduation from a Criminal Justice Academy
- Advanced Placement Programs
- International Baccalaureate Programme
- College Level Examination Placement Program (CLEP)
Want to read all the details about Transfer Credit and CPL?
Click here to read the fine print.
FREE Tuition and the Lowest Per-Credit-Hour Cost
SMC Online offers the lowest per-credit-hour cost of ANY public or private four-year college/university in South Carolina.
AVERAGE SEMESTER OUT-OF-POCKET COST FOR ON-CAMPUS PROGRAM STUDENTS, COMMUTING: $1,625.***After all sources of financial aid are applied, including federal and state. Your costs may be higher or lower, depending on your unique financial situation.
**Among students who qualify for SMC's Full Tuition Scholarship Package. Your costs may be higher or lower, depending on your unique financial situation.
SMC is incredibly affordable; however, attending a private college has tons of benefits for students or all ages and interests, including:
- Small classes for more academic attention
- Intensive academic, personal, and financial support
- Intensive academic, personal, and financial support from people who know you and care about your success.
- A tight-knit community where you can be as involved as you want.
Geovana Batres Ardon Wins First Place in APEX Showcase
Senior Capstone Presentations Culminate Career Skills Learning
Geovana Batres Ardon wins first place with "A College Path Para Todos"
Shelby Allisun Lopez finished second with "Art by Shelby Allisun"
Cristian Bonilla Cruz finished third with "ESL with English Crossing"